Prairie Dog


rairie dogs can reach 40 cm in length and 1 to 3 lb in weight. They have cinnamon-colored fur, white bellies and black tail tips. Prairie dogs are “diurnal” animals, meaning they are active during the day. They’ll start their day digging and eating. The rest of the day, they’ll be grooming, dust-bathing or working in their burrows. They feed mainly on plants (grasses and roots), but may also eat insects on occasion. Like most animals, they moult twice a year (summer and winter coats). During winter, prairie dogs will spend much more time underground, living on the fat accumulated during the warm season, although they will occasionally come out to eat a few roots. The breeding season takes place in spring (March to mid-April), the young will be born at the end of May/beginning of June and will remain in their burrow for several weeks.